Presentation steps


In any occupation, chances are you have been approached by your boss, at one time or another, to give a presentation. There are certainly ways to help alleviate the stress associated  with this traumatic event. There are actionable steps that will help you get through your presentation successfully and remain gainfully employed.

Step 1: Prepare your material

prepare your material 1

This is first because it should be. Nothing alleviates stress more than knowing, inside and out, what you are going to talk about. Doing the research, and gathering the information needed for the presentation, should be your number one priority.

Step 2: Create an outline


Some people like to write the whole presentation out first, which is fine. But, when you are ready to give the presentation, you should use index cards with bullet points, rather than a document that is completely written out. Chances are you are using overheads or Power Point to assist with the presentation. You may already have the bullet points on the slides , which makes it easier to speak to.

Step 3: Practice


Simply repeating the words over and over really helps you get over those nervous jitters about speaking out loud. One thing that you want to also do is time yourself. If you don’t have a stopwatch, there are online timers that you can use that will help you stay within the time allotted.

Step 4: Visualize Success


success (1)

After practicing your presentation, visualize positive responses from your audience and your boss. See yourself speaking with confidence as you know the material are imparting important information to your audience. If you look giving a presentation as a positive event, rather than an ordeal, you may find that you might even enjoy the experience. Think of it as personal growth rather than a chore that you are dreading.

Step 5: Solicit Feedback


When you are ready to give the presentation, perform a dry run for your peers, if at all possible. Ask them for constructive criticism. You may be doing or saying something that takes away from the presentation, but you weren’t aware of this fact. maybe you were using the words «ah», «so», «you know» and «again» excessively.


We all know  it can be difficult giving a presentation. But if you follow the steps outlined here you just might find that this dreaded, anxiety-ridden, task can end up being a positive, fulfilling, and gratifyin  experience of personal growth.


Adaptation of Bob Bessette’s entry «5 steps to a brilliant presentation»